Bibliografie, Contributi

Competence Based Management: reading suggestions

di Alessandro Reati 12 Aprile 2016

La produzione scientifica, professionale e divulgativa sul tema delle competenze è ricca. Diventa addirittura sterminata quando si considerano non solo le produzioni in volume ma anche gli articoli. Oltre che quantitativamente abbondante è anche caratterizzata da notevoli differenze metodologiche, spesso determinate dal luogo di origine della riflessione: le aziende piuttosto che le istituzioni formative (scuole, università, centri di orientamento).
Ecco allora una serie di possibili letture, soggettivamente scelte tra quanto prodotto negli ultimi anni, cercando di equilibrare contributi generalisti con quelli più operativi.
Per non dimenticare gli aspetti di differenza culturale sono state inserite alcune delle opere principali prodotte in inglese (UK e USA), francese e italiano.

Ajello, A. M. (2002) La competenza, Bologna, Il Mulino
Anderson, N.; Ones, D.S.; Sinangil, H.K. & Viswesvaran, C. (Eds.). (2002). Handbook of industrial, work and organizational psychology (2 Volumes). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd
Argentero, P., Cortese, C.G., Piccardo, C. (2007), Psicologia del lavoro, Milano, Raffaello Cortina editore
Argentero, P., Cortese, C.G., Piccardo, C. (2008), Psicologia delle risorse umane, Milano, Raffaello Cortina editore
Argentero, P., Cortese, C.G., Piccardo, C. (2009), Psicologia delle organizzazioni, Milano, Raffaello Cortina editore
Barus-Michel, J., Enriquez E. Levy, A., (2002) Vocabulaire de Psychosociologie, Toulouse, Erès
Besson, B., Fontvielle, D., Fourez, M., Lionnet, J-P., Mousnier, J-P, (2004) Modèle d’intelligence économique, Paris, AFDIE
Borgogni L. (2002). La valutazione delle persone in un’ottica psicosociale, in F. Avallone (a cura di), La convivenza nelle organizzazioni, Quaderni di Psicologia, 10, 137-155
Borman, W.C.; Ilgen, D.R. & Klimoski, R.J. (Eds.). (2003). Handbook of psychology: Vol 12 Industrial and organizational psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons
Boudreau, J.W., Ramstad, P.M. (2007). Beyond HR: The New Science of Human Capital. Boston: Harvard Business School Press
Boyatzis, R. E. (1982) The Competent Manager: A Model for Effective Performance New York: Wiley
Brochier, D. (2002) La Gestion des Compe´tences: Acteurs et Pratiques Paris : Economica
Campbell, A. and Sommers Luchs, K. S. (1997) Core Competency-Based Strategy London: Thomson
Cattaneo, A., Boldrini, E. (2007) ICT… Innovazione, Competenze, tecnologie. Roma,Carocci
Cooper, K. C. (2000) Effective Competency Modeling and Reporting New York: Amacom
Delamare Deist F., Winterton J. What Is Competence? Human Resource Development International,
Vol. 8, No. 1, 27 – 46, March 2005
Di Fabio A. M., Majer V. (2004) Il bilancio di competenze. Prospettive di approfondimento, Milano, Franco Angeli
Dolz, J., Ollagnier E. (2000) L’énigme de la compétence en éducation, Raisons éducatives, Paris, De Boeck
Dousset, A. (1990) Entreprises, De´veloppez vos Compe´tences. Paris: Editions Entente.
Dreyfus, H. L. and Dreyfus, S. E. (1986) Mind over Machine: The Power of Human Intuition and Expertise
in the Era of the Computer. New York: The Free Press
Dubois, D. A. and Rothwell, W. J. (2004) Competency-Based Human Resource Management. Palo-Alto,
CA: Davies-Black
Dunnette, M.D. & Hough, L.M. (Eds.). (1991). Handbook of industrial/organizational psychology (4 Volumes). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press
Eraut, M. (1994) Developing Professional Knowledge and Competence.Brighton: Falmer Press.
Eray, P. (1999) Précis méthodologique de développement des compétences, concilier organisation et formation, Parsi, Editions Liaisons
Evers, F. T., Berdrow, I. and Rush, J. C. (1998) The Bases of Competence: Skills for Lifelong Learning and
Employability. New York: Jossey-Bass/Wiley
Geffroy F. – Tijou R. (2002) Il management delle competenze nelle imprese europee. Politiche e pratiche. (European Training and Development Federation), Milano Franco Angeli
Green, P. C. (1999) Building Robust Competencies. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
Hamel, G. and Prahalad, C. K. (1994) Competing for the Future. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business
School Press
Hartle, F. (1995) How to Re-engineer your Performance Management Process. London: Kogan Page
Heene, A. and Sanchez, R. (1997) Competence-Based Strategicv Management. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons
Hodkinson, P. and Issitt, M. (1995) The Challenge of Competence. London: Cassell Education
Koppes, L.L. (Ed.). (2007). Historical perspectives in industrial and organizational psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Le Boterf, G. (1994) De la compétence: Essai sur un attracteur étrange, Parsi, Les Ed. de l’Organisation
Le Boterf, G. (2000) Construire les compétences individuelles et collectives, Paris, Éditions d’organisation
Le Boterf G. (2008) Repenser la compétence. Pour dépasser les idées reçues : 15 propositions, Editions d’Organisation
Levati, W. , Saraò M.V. (2005) Psicologia e sviluppo delle risorse umane nelle organizzazioni, Milano, Franco Angeli
Levati, W., Saraò, M.V. (1998) Il modello delle competenze: un contributo originale per la definizione di un nuovo approccio all’individuo e all’organizzazione nella gestione e sviluppo delle risorse umane, Milano,Franco Angeli
Levy-Leboyer, C. (1996) La Gestion des compe´tences. Paris: Les Editions d’Organisation.
Lucia, A. D. and Lepsinger, R. (1999) The Art and Science of Competency Models: Pinpointing Critical Success Factors in an Organization. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
Mansfield, B. and Mitchell, L. (1996) Towards a Competent Workforce. London: Gower
Newton Margulies (1972). Organizational Development: Values, Process, and Technology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co
McClelland, D. (1973) Testing for competence rather than for ‘intelligence’, American Psychologist, 28(1)
McClelland, D. (1976) A Guide to Job Competency Assessment. Boston, MA: McBer
McClelland, D. (1998) Identifying competencies with behavioural-event interviews, Psychological Science,
Minet, F., Parlier, M. and de Witte, S. (Eds) (1994) La Compe´tence: Mythe, Construction ou Re´alite´?
Paris: L’Harmattan
Mitrani, A., Dalziel, M. and Fitt, D. (1992) Competency Based Human Resource Management. London:
Kogan Page
Panagacos, T. (2012) The Ultimate Guide to Business Process Management: Everything You Need to Know and How to Apply It to Your Organization, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Pfeffer, J., Sutton R.I. (2006) Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management. Harvard Business School Press
Laakso-Manninen R., Viitala R. (2007) Competence Management and Human resource Development. Helsinki, Haaga-Helia,
Perulli E.(2007), Rappresentare, riconoscere e promuovere le competenze. Il concetto di competenza nella domanda clinica e sociale di benessere e sviluppo. Milano, Franco Angeli
Rey B. (2003) Ripensare le competenze trasversali, Milano, Franco Angeli
Robbins, T., Waters-Marsh, R., Cacioppe, R. and Millet, B. (1994), Organisational Behaviour, Australian & New Zealand, Prentice-Hall, Australia.
Rousseau, D.M. & McCarthy, S. (2007) Evidence-based Management: Educating managers from an evidence-based perspective. London, Academy of Management Learning and Education
Sanchez, R., Heene, A. (2004), The New Strategic Management: Organizations, Competition and Competence, London, John Wiley & Sons
Scott, W. Richard (2007). Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems Perspectives. London, Pearson Prentice Hall
Trentin, B.M. (2012) Educare le competenze, Milano, Sironi Editore.
Ulrich D. (1997) Human Resources Champion, Boston, Harvard Business School Press
Ulrich, D. and Brockbank, W. (2005) The HR Value Proposition. Boston: Harvard Business School Press
Wilber, K. (2007), The Integral Vision, Shambhala, Boston & London
Winterton, J. and Winterton, R. (1999) Developing Managerial Competence. London: Routledge.
Zarifian, P. (2004) Le modèle de la compétence, trajectoire historique, enjeux actuels et propositions, Paris, Editions Liaisons
Zarifian, P. (2009) Le travail et la compétence : entre puissance et contrôle, Paris, Editions PUF

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